
Dolnośląskie Stowarzyszenie Sportowców Niepełnosprawnych "AKTYWNI"

The association has been existing since 1999, we are trying to activate disabled people with rehabilitation through sport, which is the best method for integration and self-realization.

Our task is to seek out for and encourage disabled people to practise sport. Through sport they are aspired to bigger elicitation and they are improved. Leading discipline practised by our competitors is (lawn) tennis on the wheelchairs.

We regularly lead training activities in two sections- for beginners and advanced. Knock-up is led by the qualified and appropriately trained to work with disabled people coaching staff.

We arrange remedial-sport camps, joining-parties. We are the organizer of International Championship of (Lawn) Tennis on the Wheelchairs "Wroclaw Cup". Our competitors regularly take part in the competitions of all-Polish and international rank.

We cooperate with many national and international organizations, which deal with similar issues.

1% for AKTYWNI!

Give your 1% of tax to our organization.

KRS: 0000189856